Friday, September 26, 2008

Still in the dark

It was 2 weeks ago today that Hurricane Ike wreaked havoc on my city. And since midnight on that Friday I have been without electricity. At least 3 times the power company has told us we will be getting it back, but still it is dark. In 3 hours, if it is still not back on, another deadline will be missed. I know they are doing their best, but areas far harder hit then us have had power for a long time now.

I also have at leas 40 mosquito bites from when we spent all day Tuesday clearing the branches and limbs from the yard.

On the bright side the weather has gotten much cooler so we have pleasant nights to sleep with the windows open. Mind you, we only have 4 with screens on them so we will have to live with that.

I am cranky, but also very aware that so many others lost much more than power and for that I am remorseful for my bitching. We just want to get back to normal.

May this weekend be fabulous for everyone and well lit for me.

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