Thursday, August 7, 2008

I am watching The Departed for the nth time. The sex scene with Leo where the song Comfortable Numb is played is so damn hot.

I am still waiting to hear if I get an interview. It is painful. I have support from my manager, her manager, and her manager's manager so I have a pretty good shot at an interview, but rumor is that a lot of more senior people have applied. My resume with its 3 distinct career choices is almost a mirror of what they are looking for yet politics often play a role in who gets hired. We shall see...

Hope everyone has fun plans for the weekend. I am volunteering in the ER of a major hospital and I have my training tomorrow night. It should be interesting since it is Friday night. I hope I have strong enough stomach for whatever I see. Then I am off to Austin on Saturday with a friend. Her trainer is in a fitness competition and she asked her to attend so mini-girls weekend here I come.


Single Girl said...

Sending "hire you" thoughts to your hire ups!!

What kind of volunteer work can be done in an ER? That sounds like something I would be interested in!!

Missy said...

I think I will basically be running around doing whatever the nurses need me to. getting blankets for the patients, seeing if they want any friends or relatives to be contacted, etc. I will know more tonight.

Paige Jennifer said...

Good luck with the next career step and if (fingers crossed) it takes you to the Philly area, hell to the yeah about picking my brain!