Friday, August 29, 2008

Watching the weather

All eyes along the gulf coast are on TS Gustav... I feel fairly confident that we won' get it, however we were still in the "cone of uncertainty" the last time I checked. We have been lucky and have dodged several bullets in the last decade or so. Never the less, we went to the grocery store and got essentials just in case.

In other news- I have absolutely nothing planned this weekend other than getting the house cleaned up and organized. I am not looking forward to it since it is so hot, however it needs to be done and I will be so happy once it is. Tonights agenda is laundry and bathrooms. Fun times.

I hope everyone else has much more fun and excitement in store for Labor Day.

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

No move in site

I didn't get the job. They went with someone with more sales experience. I guess that is the price you pay for switching careers a few times. My bf still would support going for another position and moving to further my career, but right now I just want to focus on what I like about my job and on my personal life. Maybe in a few months I will re-evaluate.

In other news, we went to my parents this weekend for their 40th anniversary. That is a long time. It was fun seeing the whole family, and my bf helped my parents out with their new office computer and phone systems so they love him even more now. Maybe more than they love me.

I also switched my volunteer locations. I was in the hospital ER, but now am helping out at the Trauma ICU waiting room desk. I feel much more useful now so it's a better fit.

I really need to get back in the gym... maybe tomorrow.

Monday, August 18, 2008


My computer has had virus all weekend. Fortunately my brilliant bf is in the computer biz and has been fixing it, but it is not totally fixed yet.

I have been preparing for my interview. While I feel totally qualified I also am very nervous. I picked the morning time slot for Wednesday so I wouldn't have to think about it all day. Today I am just going to get my work done, come home and think of some more examples to the behavioral based questions they may ask me, pack, and go to bed early. My plane leaves around midmorning Tuesday so I will have to leave me house pretty early to get there on time and I want to be rested.

Hope everyone has a good Monday!

Thursday, August 14, 2008

cool feeling

Several years ago there was a radio show with a segment called cool feelings. Basically the dj would name all these random generally not so great activities/comments and afterward each one would say "thats and cool feeling." I found it quite annoying. Last night I got my own version.

Your boyfriend climbing into bed, wrapping his arms around you and saying you are amazing: thats a cool feeling.

The fact that it was 3 a.m. and he wrapped his freezing body around you while you were comfortably asleep: not so much.

Monday, August 11, 2008

I got an interview!

Next Tuesday I will be flying to Philadelphia for the interview Wednesday. I am pretty nervous but excited too. I have a lot of preparation to do because much of the experience I will talk about is from my previous career as a consultant.

Thursday, August 7, 2008

I am watching The Departed for the nth time. The sex scene with Leo where the song Comfortable Numb is played is so damn hot.

I am still waiting to hear if I get an interview. It is painful. I have support from my manager, her manager, and her manager's manager so I have a pretty good shot at an interview, but rumor is that a lot of more senior people have applied. My resume with its 3 distinct career choices is almost a mirror of what they are looking for yet politics often play a role in who gets hired. We shall see...

Hope everyone has fun plans for the weekend. I am volunteering in the ER of a major hospital and I have my training tomorrow night. It should be interesting since it is Friday night. I hope I have strong enough stomach for whatever I see. Then I am off to Austin on Saturday with a friend. Her trainer is in a fitness competition and she asked her to attend so mini-girls weekend here I come.

Wednesday, August 6, 2008

Being in love is wonderful

Two weeks ago I was walking around miserable. Since then, my bf and I have had a serious talk, I have started seeing a new psych, I have applied for a new out of town job, and in general I have been practicing not worrying too much about the future.

All of this has led me to truly enjoy my relationship and my boyfriend for the first time in what seems like a while. My love for him is so strong, but his love for me is what really puts a smile on my face and makes my worries fade.

I sound corny, but I can't help it. I vent so much here that when things are going well, like now, I want to boast about it. I feel very lucky and I know he feels the same.

On another note, I cut about 5 inches off my hair to where is now falls just below my shoulders, but not much below since it is layered. I think it looks good and bf thinks it looks hot so it was a good decision. I did, however warn him that my stylist has magic blow drying talents that I do not possess.

Tuesday, August 5, 2008

Weather Day!

I am currently sitting at home watching the steady downpour of Tropical Storm Eduard. We didn't get a direct hit but will probably end up with 3-6 inches of rain. Being a sales rep, my manager did not think being on the road would be very safe today so I get a weather day. For me this means catching up on some admin stuff, watching the extended local news reporting from all over the city, and catching up on blog reading.

Unfortunately my bf, who works mostly from home, got called to a client site so he isn't here to enjoy the lovely weather with me.

I don't watch any soap operas, but I would have liked to watch the talk shows. Not happening anytime soon though. Thank goodness for satellite!

Sunday, August 3, 2008

Weekend Happennings

As usual the weekend is going by too fast. I helped throw a baby shower for a good friend yesterday. It turned out fine although I wish more people had attended for my friends sake.

That did not end until after 2 so by the time I got home I pretty much relaxed with my bf all afternoon and night.

Today we are going to a lunch and a baseball game. It looks like it will rain, but it is an indoor stadium so it will be fun. Once the game is over I will have to come home and get ready for the work day tomorrow because I am working with my manager. Fun times.

Friday, August 1, 2008

Being Thankful

I feel lucky that the blog world exists. I get to learn about some amazing people and their lives; some I comment on, some I don't but I am always thankful that people share their experiences.

There are the brave young women battling and beating breast cancer that inspire me daily. There are the wives and girlfriends whose significant others are facing health issues. There are amazing yet everyday women starting new careers or educations, struggling with relationships, dealing with family issues. I learn something from every single blog I read, even if it is just to stop and appreciate what I have around me.

I have my health. I have a man who loves me as I am. I have a family that loves and is supportive of me and my choices. And I have the most wonderful network of friends.

So today I am putting any negative thoughts aside and only focusing on the positive. An early thanksgiving I guess.